Overview of Membership
Online Marketing Certified Professionals is a standards body that maintains and approves courses, exams and certification requirements to enable excellence in online marketing. Thousands of students are currently completing authorized courses through schools universities, and training providers all over the world, with heavy expansion into Europe and Asia over the last year.
Now that the standard is defined and accepted by a significant number of schools, by hundreds of consumer product companies, and by dozens of the largest advertising agencies, it is time to ensure that the online marketing industry, the academies that support online marketing as a profession, and individuals who have a vested interest in the online marketing profession have meaningful influence on those standards.
Academic Membership
To support these innovations in professional certification, OMCP created its Community of Practice and its Membership Program. The OMCP Membership Program considers and approves ongoing changes to the definition and measurement of OMCP standards for purposes of guiding internal alignment and coordinated outreach. Additionally, the work of committees is coordinated through the Member groups.
OMCP Academic Members:
- Are identified by OMCP and invited or asked to apply and pay for Membership.
- Are entitled to up to three membership seats, depending on the degrees conferred by the institution.
- When Appropriate, determine online engagement and community opportunities through online channels.
- May choose to nominate at least one volunteer from their organization for participation in each committee.
- Review portions of the course and materials that Registered Education Providers submit to confirm compliance with OMCP course standards and with the OMCP Body of Knowledge.
- Contribute to the certification standards.
Privileges and Responsibilities of Academic Membership
OMCP Academic Members are recognized for their services by having:
- Recognition as drivers of online marketing standards, which benefit higher education, associations, career development, hiring managers, advertising agencies, and individuals who wish to excel at online marketing.
- Influence on the standards for courses, exams and certification requirements to enable excellence in online marketing.
- First rights of authorship for OMCP assets such as the OMCP Body of Knowledge.
- Occasional channels of messaging to approved training institutions, graduates, and registered professionals.
Membership depends on members making and keeping commitments to the principles of OMCP and the responsibilities of Membership including:
- Promoting the values and ideals of OMCP.
- Honoring Member and Committee commitments.
- Working towards successful implementation of standards across industries.
Voting is both a benefit and responsibility of the OMCP Community of Practice and its Membership.
Voting is crucial to the following standards areas:
- Competency documents for each discipline including:
- Topics to be considered as part of each discipline’s competencies.
- Percentage of total instructional coverage devoted to each topic.
- Updating specific content within each topic area.
- Certification exam questions related to each discipline.
- Final findings in periodic Role Delineation Studies for each discipline.
Community of Practice
The core mission of the OMCP Community of Practice is to maintain an ongoing and current dialog about the creation and maintenance of standards for the online marketing profession through its Membership program and within the context of the practice of marketing in general. OMCP currently defines the following disciplines as those for which it recognizes, defines, and maintains standards of practice:
- Content Marketing
- Conversion Optimization
- Marketing Automation (Email Marketing)
- Mobile Marketing
- Online Marketing Fundamentals
- Pay Per Click (Search Marketing)
- Social Media Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Web Analytics
Committee Service
Each Member group may appoint volunteers from their organization to serve on the Exam and Certification Standards Committees. Individuals who are selected should have the overall integrity of the online marketing profession as a personal passion and should be motivated to contribute to the creation and maintenance of standards primarily for this reason. Committee participation is optional for Academic Members.
Academic Membership by Invitation
Academic Membership is occasionally granted to an institution via invitation. Generally this is reserved for institutions that bring special expertise to the table, which OMCP requires for purposes of new development or innovation. Academic Membership by invitation is for a specific period of time or for the length of a specific project.
Academic Members who join the OMCP Community of Practice through invitation can choose to apply for Academic Membership when their invitational term is complete.
Applying for Academic membership
1. Choose your Membership category:
☑My Institution is applying to become an: ____OMCP Academic Member with an enrollment of over 2000 students per year. ____OMCP Academic Member with an enrollment of under 2000 students per year. |
2. Understand the associated Membership fees and fee structure:
☑Fee Structure: $1,000 per year for universities and colleges with an enrollment over 2,000 students per year (provides one voting seat per institution.)
3. Nominate an Academic Membership Appointee and Opt for Committee Participation
Nominate an Academic Membership Appointee:
☑Assert that your Academic Membership appointee has over two years of published work or an online track record of conveying (sharing, teaching, enabling) online marketing practices or brings significant knowledge to the table about program creation, administration, and certification.
If Committee Participation is desired:
☑Assert that your institution has demonstrated leadership in the online marketing domains and disciplines as evidenced on your website.
☑Assert that committee appointees have over two years of published work or an online track record of conveying (sharing, teaching, enabling) online marketing practices.
4. Complete the form and pay the associated fees for OMCP Academic Membership
☑Send a completed, signed copy of the application form via email to info@omcp.org, or via postal mail to:
548 Market St. #33329
San Francisco, California 94104
(415) 798-2667.
If approved as an OMCP Academic Member, OMCP will list your organization on its website with a link to a corresponding page on your website.