Exam Item Authoring (Members Only Content)

OMCP and OMCA with current status can earn PDU credit for renewal by writing exam items (questions) for use in the OMCP and OMCA exams.

Maximum PDUs from accepted exam items60 PDUs
Exam item accepted20 PDUs
Exam item accepted with modification10 PDUs

Items submitted for review must meet the following criteria:

  1. Validate knowledge of a generally accepted-practice
  2. Test for a primary competency in the OMCP standards
  3. Map to a published work

Items will be evaluated by the current OMCP exam committee for specific criteria. For each approved item, the submitter will receive PDU awards as set above.

The rest of this page is available to those who have earned OMCP and OMCA certification, and to those who have registered to pursue certification. Login and refresh this page to see the exam item submission criteria and form .