OMCP Specialty Exam Change


Use this product to request a change in your upcoming OMCP specialty (discipline-specific) exams.

  • You must currently be entitled to at least one remaining OMCP subject matter exam with at least 10 days before your exam expiration date.
  • Select the specialty exam combination below that represents what you want to complete
    • If you have already passed one specialty exam, select the combination of what you have taken AND the final specialty you wish to take.
  • NO REFUNDS will be given for orders in error, e.g., if you do not have entitlement to an OMCP specialty exam, or if there are less than 10 days to expiration of your exam access.
  • OMCP staff will respond with confirmation of your request within three business days.

Select your new preferred two specialty exams here:

SKU: omcp-exam-change-order Category:

Use this product to request a change in your upcoming OMCP specialty (discipline-specific) exams.

  • You must currently be entitled to at least one remaining OMCP subject matter exam with at least 10 days before your exam expiration date.
  • Select the specialty exam combination below that represents what you want to complete
    • If you have already passed one specialty exam, select the combination of what you have taken AND the final specialty you wish to take.
  • NO REFUNDS will be given for orders in error, e.g., if you do not have entitlement to an OMCP specialty exam, or if there are less than 10 days to expiration of your exam access.
  • OMCP staff will respond with confirmation of your change within three business days.