Crafting An Effective Mobile Marketing Strategy

According to Statista, over half of all web traffic is due to using mobile devices over desktops. Worldwide mobile ad spending is expected to reach 402 billion dollars in 2024. For many brands and businesses, mobile marketing strategy is no longer “nice to have”, but a necessary component of a thorough marketing campaign design to reach an optimal number of target customers and consumers. 

One key challenge in adopting a mobile marketing strategy is starting the process. Although it shares many qualities with other marketing modalities, mobile marketing across various mobile devices such as smartphones, wearables, and tablets can seem especially daunting. 

Benefits of Adopting a Mobile Marketing Strategy

Whether you are a Fortune 500 corporation, a mid-sized non-profit or social enterprise, or a small-to-medium-sized business, adopting a mobile marketing strategy can bring positive, tangible benefits. Integrating mobile into your marketing strategy provides unique benefits that can effectively engage your target audience, including

  • Cost Effectiveness – Unlike television or print ads, mobile marketing assets and ads are less inexpensive to create and implement resulting in greater flexibility within any size budget;
  • Better Segmentation and Targeting – Mobile marketing allows for segmenting your audience into specific groups and more accurate location-based targeting, providing a more personalized experience for users. 
  • Increase unique web traffic and social media engagement. Optimizing your website for mobile is critical, but finding and engaging mobile users who are already engaging the web and social media via mobile devices can strengthen your mobile engagement strategy and drive traffic. 

Components of a Strong Mobile Marketing Strategy

Although it shares several strategic areas with other marketing modalities, mobile marketing has special considerations when determining how to reach users.  

  • User personas – Knowing your ideal user is critical when developing a mobile strategy, allowing for stronger personalization and targeting of the mobile experience. Integrating thorough research, need identification, and other character traits into a strong user persona can guide mobile marketing as effectively as it does other modalities. 
  • Goals/KPIs – Targeting specific users is effective, but setting specific strategic goals and establishing methods of measuring progress is critical. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are necessary for any mobile marketing initiative, providing a broader view of progress while focusing on specific data and metrics. 
  • Digital Advertising/Special Initiatives –  Mobile marketing provides an opportunity to integrate digital advertising more effectively through mobile advertising and responsive web design. Engaging mobile users requires developing a more diverse array of tools and strategies such as QR Codes and loyalty programs. Integrating such campaigns into a comprehensive mobile marketing strategy can drive user engagement and acquisition, and increase web traffic. 

Measurement and Analytics

As the customer journey becomes less linear through various devices, channels, and platforms, mobile marketers must precisely measure the metrics that matter. Focusing on data and analytics that show user engagement and activity while driving business goals can provide a thorough picture of the effectiveness of a mobile marketing initiative. Knowing what metrics are factoring into campaign success (or failure) provides opportunities for adjusting tactics, integrating new strategic initiatives, and expanding your potential target audience. 

Using mobile marketing metrics in your campaign can have positive results, including identifying key channels, providing insight into user decision-making, and clarifying the kind of device that drives the greatest amount of user engagement and web traffic. As stated earlier, identifying and tracking appropriate KPIs in your mobile marketing campaign provides insight into progress toward business goals and a sense of direction for your mobile marketing strategy. 

Key metrics for measuring mobile marketing strategy success include, but are not limited to,

  • User Acquisition Metrics such as install conversion rate, app downloads, and Cost Per Install (CPI);
  • User Engagement Rates such as churn, session length and frequency, and retention rate;
  • User Feedback Metrics such as app ratings and reviews, and
  • Funnel Analysis which provides insight into how far customers progress within each stage of the funnel and what points foster customer drop-off. 

Mobile marketing provides diverse opportunities for creating unique user experiences targeted to specific audiences. Crafting an effective mobile marketing strategy provides an opportunity to reach a larger proportion of those audiences, driving greater engagement and customer acquisition.

Author: Gordon Dymowski

B2B Social Media Marketing Consultant/Copywriter

Gordon Dymowski is a B2B social media consultant and copywriter working with small to medium-sized businesses around audience engagement, lead generation, and driving revenues. Gordon has assisted various organizations in social media strategy, engagement, and analytics with a specific focus on healthcare, technology, and mission-driven ventures. He is also a fiction writer who has written for various independent publishers.

Connect with Gordon here:





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