OMBOK Competency: Analytics

Online Marketing Body of Knowledge from OMCP

Professional marketers are invited to answer questions, vote, and comment below. Curated answers from the OMBOK pages will be published, with attribution, in the next free Guide to the Online Marketing Body of Knowledge from OMCP.

Web Analytics

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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted practices used to compare company pe...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are the generally accepted practices used to create an anal...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for specifying KPIs to evalu...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What is the role of competitive intelligence in creating KPIs? A...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted tools and systems for creating meani...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted solutions to rectify these problems?...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are examples of ineffective KPIs? Answers must include: Def...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for distilling analysis into...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted practices for the use of tracking co...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for analysing user behaviour...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are examples of five (5) generally accepted KPIs and / or m...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What is the purpose of the analytics dashboard? Answers must inc...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted practices for using on-site search d...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are examples of five (5) generally accepted KPIs and / or m...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted practices for ensuring correct campa...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for collecting ecommerce dat...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are examples of five (5) common areas where campaign tracki...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are examples of five (5) generally accepted KPIs and / or m...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for performing social media ...
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In the context of Web Analytics: What are generally accepted methods for specifying KPIs to evalu...
Showing 1 - 20 of 86 results