What is a web analytics segment?

Online Marketing Body of Knowledge from OMCP

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In the context of Web Analytics: What is a segment?

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A segment contains a group of rows from one or more dimensions.

A common mistake new Analysts make is report data in aggregate. For example, Total Visits to the site. This provides almost no actionable insight. Reporting Total Visits from each Country or Total Visits by different Campaigns, instantly assist in identifying variation in performance that can be immediately actioned.

Examples of Segments include, but are not limited to, Users from New York, Users who Visit More than 3 Times, Visits to the Support Content on the Site, Orders with more than 5 Items, etc.

A complete collection of segments for any business could mean ensuring your have identified one or more segments in three categories: Acquisition (all activity that happens to attract Users to our digital presence), Behavior (all activity after they land on our site or mobile app) and Outcomes (the result of the Users digital experience).

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