Digital Marketing Salaries 2019

Digital marketing salaries for 2019 show that talent is in demand and hard to to find. According to a report from Mondo, these are some of the salaries digital marketers can expect to earn in 2019

  1. CMO earns $165,000 – $250,000
  2. VP of MarTech Solutions earns $135,000 – $205,000
  3. VP of Digital Marketing earns $135,00 – $200,000
  4. Marketing Automation Architect earns $155,000 – $180,000
  5. VP of Interactive earns $135,000 – $180,000
  6. VP of eCommerce earns $125,000 – $180,000
  7. Director of UX/UI earns $125,000 – $175,000
  8. Director of Interactive earns $110,000 – $175,000
  9. Director of Web Analytics earns $110,000 – $175,000
  10. UX Specialist/Information Architect earns $110,000 – $175,000

Earlier studies show that marketers with a recognized digital marketing certification earn 16% more than those without. So study up, pass your exams, and boost your earning as a digital marketer.

Digital Marketing Salaries 2019

Leaders stand out with an industry certification in digital marketing

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